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Indeed, perusing through several news sites and articles (the BBC being the most guilty, with several other British articles closely following), the image being portrayed of Israel is often negative and imbalanced to the extreme. The word 'aggression' is commonly used to refer to the Israeli army's missions, the word 'terrorists' is often surrounded by inverted commas (implying that only according to the Israelis are Hamas to be considered 'terrorists') and whilst Gazan facts are presented as fact (quoting 'officials' or 'the Health Ministry'), Israel's reports are often devalued by adding the suffix 'according to the Israelis' or the like. Less subtle, there is next to no coverage on Hamas's use of civilians as human shields - blaming all civilian deaths on IDF 'atrocities' - and no mention of the fact that when Israel handed over the Gaza strip areas it did so along with hundreds of greenhouses and a real opportunity for Palestinians to create a booming and somewhat self-sufficient economy. Instead, Hamas were selected and funds embezzled to 'invest' in tunnels and rockets. Yet the media do not portray this side of the story. The European media (who traditionally staunchly favor the underdog) instead feed the reader with images of a war-hungry Israeli populace and victimized Palestinian civilians: even the warning leaflets dropped to minimize civilian casualties are portrayed as acts of cruelty. With such an overbearing media portrayal, objectivity is muffled and stifled. People seem to portray what they want to portray, with truth and accuracy sacrificed. Thus, instead of the daily Syrian massacres grabbing the headlines, it is any given Israeli military incursion into Gaza. We cry, deplore, lament and detest these double standards of the media, and feel somewhat helpless in reversing the situation (complaints can only go so far - others' underlying notions can rarely be changed). Human nature warms to consistency and truth, and is repulsed by self-contradictory behavior and deceit. ray ban outlet Crews in Transylvania County located the man about 5:08 a.m. Tuesday with the help of a helicopter with an infrared camera.
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