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The issue: Four candidates, including incumbent Danny Glick, are seeking the GOP nomination for Laramie County sheriff on Aug. 19.We believe: Mr. Glick has the experience and knowledge that would serve the county well. We recommend him to the voters in the primary.Tell us what you think: Contact us via email at .With eastern Laramie County on the verge of an energy boom, now is not the time to swap an experienced sheriff for a greenhorn. Then mix in the problems coming from the legalization of marijuana in Colorado, and a competent incumbent makes even more sense.That is why we are recommending Sheriff Danny Glick in the Republican primary for sheriff on Aug. 19. Among those who are running, Mr. Glick clearly is the best man for the job.Also in the race are: Dana Kennison, David Martin and Mike Tuttle.Speaking with Mr. Glick, who is seeking his fourth term in office, it quickly becomes apparent that he knows what he is talking about.For example, regarding the budding oil boom here, the sheriff understands the implications - truck traffic and its impact on roadways; alcohol and drug abuse; possible conflicts over access to private property for subsurface minerals; and the relatively long time period that it takes to hire and then train new deputies. Mr. Glick rightly notes that if the boom develops slowly, the county "will be able to handle it." But if things really take off, he adds, it could be "a challenge."Among the candidates, it is clear the incumbent would best be able to handle that. He knows his agency, its manpower and how best to distribute resources in the near term. He clearly needs to wrestle harder with the County Commission - and it should heed him - about the lack of deputies in light of the county's population. The department is running well behind national averages already and will need even more people when the boom hits.Mr. Glick also presents a refreshing, progressive perspective on dealing with juvenile offenders. Rather than seeking to punish them, he says the goal should be to point them in the right direction through school and other programs at the juvenile detention center. Not only will this turn them into productive citizens, he says, but it will save the county and state money down the road by not having to care for them in jail or prison.The sheriff rates his success with this effort as "above average," and he wisely hopes to apply a similar approach to adult offenders.On the issue of marijuana, the sheriff opposes easing penalties for possession of small amounts, saying "we will enforce the law."This newspaper has supported decriminalization as a way to reduce the stains on young people's lives that come with even misdemeanor arrests; we still do. But Mr. Glick properly fears the potential impacts, such as the need for treatment for those who do get addicted as well as a rise in impaired driving "just as we have made some inroads (with alcohol)." That is a position that we think most voters in Laramie County support.One other issue: Up until the beginning of primary season, Mr. Glick and his staff were charging the people of Laramie County to inspect their public records. The sheriff has since reversed that policy - it is a clear violation of state law. But given the timing of the decision (shortly before Mr. Glick's interview with the WTE), it is tempting to question his commitment to government transparency. We hope he will maintain his approach going forward.In terms of Mr. Glick's opponents, deputy Dana Kennison was most critical of the incumbent. He called Mr. Glick "lukewarm ... set in his ways" and added, "It is time for the man to retire."Mr. Kennison's main criticism is that the sheriff has not done a good job of representing his undermanned staff to the County Commission. That, Mr. Kennison says, has caused poor morale due to the low pay levels and the high turnover rates. But he offered no solutions for these problems - other than to replace Mr. Glick - and it appeared he had not even tried to think of any.The challenger did say he would spend more time in the community and would be seen more around the department (a back-handed reference to Mr. Glick's role as first vice president with the National Sheriff's Association, which regularly takes him out of town).Mr. Kennison works at the juvenile detention facility, but he surprisingly had no real thoughts on the programs there. He added that, if elected, he would fully enforce the marijuana laws.David Martin has 13 years of law enforcement experience but just two years here as a deputy after launching his career in Colorado. He appears to have thought more deeply about the office than Mr. Kennison.Mr. Martin said he would be a "working sheriff," and his key goal would be to raise retention as well as morale at the department - at least partly - by raising pay. He had no answer about where the money would come from to fund those pay hikes.The candidate also promised greater transparency: He is opposed to charging for access to public documents. He said he would set up a computer terminal in the department's lobby to make it easy for the public to see these records and said he would use the department's website, as well as develop a mobile application, to get the word out.In terms of dealing with the possible energy boom, Mr. Martin said the department "needs to project" a presence in the eastern part of the county, and he said he would do that by moving staff around. He also said there should be classes and programs at the juvenile detention center. Apparently he is unaware that already is occurring.Mr. Martin actually favors stiffer fines and penalties for possession of marijuana, saying a "wrist slap" only will encourage people to keep using it.He also asserted that the relationship between the sheriff's office and Cheyenne Police Department is broken. But he refused to say what he meant by that. This willingness to make charges without proof should concern voters, given that Mr. Martin says he want to be a more transparent sheriff.The final candidate, Mike Tuttle, is ill prepared to serve as sheriff. He has no law enforcement experience, no college degree (he did serve in the Wyoming National Guard), never has held a leadership position and had not even bothered to look at the department's budget.He also admitted that he has not thought about the issues facing the agency, such as the energy boom and dealing with juvenile crime. He said he would deal with them after he is elected, but that is asking voters to buy a pig in a poke. That is a poor approach to seeking public support.Mr. Tuttle calls himself a proponent of the U.S. Constitution and property rights. He spent much of his time talking about an alleged conspiracy by the Internal Revenue Service to steal land from a Laramie County resident. He is the kind of candidate who will appeal to the Agenda 21 crowd but few other voters.Incumbent Sheriff Danny Glick stands head and shoulders above the rest of this field, both in terms of his knowledge and experience as well as his well-developed ideas on such issues as juvenile justice. We recommend him to Republican voters in the Aug. 19 primary. cheap jordan 11 I think it's important we have a review process, obviously it didn't go to plan and eventuate the way it should have.
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