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Nancy Urschel Reas
Expert Boarder
Re:CM Reunion - 2005/11/15 21:24
Hi, Wes, and everyone,

At this moment there are eighteen other people on this website. If you're viewing the forum, why don't you say "hi!" We'd like to hear from you. I'm glad to see prayer requests coming in. I'm making a list so as not to forget anyone.

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Expert Boarder
Re:CM Reunion - 2005/11/21 06:45
Hi All, We trust you all will have a very happy Thanksgiving wherever you this week. Wes Burger
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Platinum Boarder
Re:CM Reunion - 2005/11/21 08:35
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for. We're having 18 people at our house for dinner, so if nothing else it will be loud. Love and Prayers, Vicky
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Fresh Boarder
Re:CM Reunion - 2005/12/04 18:16
Hi Wes,
Charlyn Ellis here. Amazing to reconnect after 40 years. The 100 year anniversary at First Church returned a piece of childhood. It was incredible to be known and remembered.
Browsing through the CM site, I saw your words about walking home from Marshall. Were you walking with us the day Dana threw some tennis shoes up and they got stuck on the electrical wire? ha ha Ken Harrison was at the reunion; it was almost other-worldly to see him. Three years ago when visiting CA (and Lou Ann in San Diego), I went by John Marshall Jr. High and stopped at the old parsonage. I knocked on the door and they allowed me to walk through my childhood house!
We (spouse and two college-age daughters) live in North Carolina but I'm still as Western as they come. I visit the West as often as possible and hope to return in the next couple of years.
Nancy, are you reading? How did you get to 56 when I'm 39? ...a late Happy Birthday. I turn the same in February! Happy Holidays to everyone. Go simple, go minimal.
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Expert Boarder
Re:CM Reunion - 2005/12/05 08:45
HI Charlyn, it is good to hear from you. I too am at 56 but feeling much younger, although today the temperature outside here in Michigan is about 15 degrees and snowing lightly, which does make me feel much older now as my bones and joints tend to ache alot in this kind of weather. Yes, I do remember Dana getting his shoes stuck up in the power lines. He was not a happy camper that day. I remember a lot of daily walks home down Mountain street with a group of us. At the time it just seemed routine, now it is a good memory that I wish we had more of. Were you there when a Mexican gang was terrorizing Dana. For weeks a group of us walked him all the way to his house to keep him from getting beat up. Some days even his dad followed us in his car about a half block away to try to keep everyone safe. How are you and your family doing in North Carolina? What are you and your family doing there? I am so sorry that I missed the reunion, lots of family medical crisis going on, but hopefully I can make it to something else like that before too long. I do miss the friendships. Are your daughters about to graduate from college? Our daughter graduated several years ago and is now married with one grandaughter and a new grandson on the way next April. Sorry I missed Ken Harrison, It has probably been over 30 years since I've seen him. Ken if you're out there, jump in. Again so good to hear from you. Wes
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Senior Boarder
Re:CM Reunion - 2005/12/19 05:56
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