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The issue: State Superintendent Cindy Hill says a legislative rebuke means she has done nothing wrong.We believe: This state of denial should give GOP primary voters pause. There is no sign she would change her rogue approach as governor.Tell us what you think: Contact us via email at .State Superintendent of Public Instruction Cindy Hill wants the people of Wyoming to believe she did nothing wrong during her time in office.She also would like to have them think that a public rebuke from the Legislature for her behavior is meaningless."A 'rebuke' means that they are conceding I did nothing wrong. It's that simple," Ms. Hill said recently in the wake of the final report from lawmakers on her actions.If you believe any of that, then come on down to the Wyoming Tribune Eagle. We have an entire family of jackalopes to sell you.The fact of the matter is that sworn testimony before a legislative panel - as well as an investigation by the governor's office and a stack of public documents - proves that Ms. Hill committed a number of questionable actions during her time at the state Department of Education.Among her missteps, she:- sought to block the installation of the Legislature's accountability system.- misused state funds for her pet projects despite orders from lawmakers that she not do so.- apparently spent federal funds in violation of grant requirements.- created an unsavory work environment, even apparently sanctioning sexual harassment in violation of state policy.Unfortunately, legislators, in the end, had only two options: rebuke or impeachment. Given the timing of things - less than six months before the end of Ms. Hill's term and weeks away from an election - they wisely chose to forego impeachment.But their choice of rebuke does not mean they conceded anything. Indeed, they said earlier that Ms. Hill's demands of loyalty from department employees were "grounds for removal from office."If the "rebuke" means nothing, as Ms. Hill says, we would like her to cite the number of other times that lawmakers have gone to that extreme in dealing with one of the state's top five elected officials. We can't think of one.What is concerning in all of this is that Ms. Hill remains in denial rather than admitting her mistakes and moving on. If anything, she has gotten more combative. She filed a complaint with the State Bar about some of the lawmakers' actions during her hearings, and she went on the attack on this issue in last week's governor candidate debate.Republican primary voters need to consider this before going to the polls on Aug. 19. There is no indication - none - that Ms. Hill, if elected governor, would moderate her behavior or adopt more judicious tactics when dealing with the Legislature or even the federal government.Her obstructionism might fire up her political base, but it has harmed Wyoming's young people by blocking proper legislative efforts on accountability. And Ms. Hill's willingness to play fast and loose with funds does not bode well for her ability to manage budgets or deal with the strings that come with such things as federal grants.It is this attitude, as much as anything else, that led the WTE Editorial Board to recommend Gov. Matt Mead in the primary. Ms. Hill clearly has been a rogue superintendent. And we have seen nothing in the past few weeks to tell us that she would not be a rogue governor as well. fake oakleys "It was a way to associate an ad with a user's page without putting it directly on the page, which advertisers worried would imply an association between their brand and the page's content," Zuckerman wrote. "I'm sorry. Our intentions were good."
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Johnson called several family and friends who told him he was not welcome to stay with them. Johnson told police that at some point, he called for a cab near the University of Wisconsin - Platteville and road in the cab looking for a destination to kill himself. Johnson told police he stole a small paring knife from the Piggly Wiggly in Platteville earlier in the morning. cheap jordans The wreath-laying ceremony took place yesterday here. Many senior serving army officers also paid homage. y toms outlet
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