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Numerous agricultural, environmental and business groups quickly endorsed the legislative compromise. The plan includes $7.1 billion in new borrowing and $425 million from previous bonds that would be redirected to the updated water priorities. Redirecting that money requires voter approval. cheap michael kors purses The move comes amid a backlash following the release of Blackfish, a documentary aired by CNN that examined SeaWorld's treatment of the animals in a heavily critical light and questioned whether they should be held in captivity at all.
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Not a word from Carter or Robinson acknowledging that this conflict like all the others had the imprimatur of Khaled Mashaal. That in fact, it was Hamas's war, that it was their money and their terrorist, Hossam Kawasmeh, who organized and plotted the kidnapping and murdered three innocent Israeli teenagers. It was their hundreds of rockets fired at 80 percent of Israel's population centers that forced the IDF to do what every country would do, respond. It was not Israel's drones and F16's who displaced hundreds of thousands of Gazans, it was the Palestinians who belong to Hamas and Islamic Jihad who betrayed their fellow citizens who had voted for them in such large numbers in 2006 and who are now forcing them into the streets and into public shelters. cheap michael kors bags It took months for the final Australian victim of the Bali bombings to be identified and brought home, he said.
The issue: The Center for Education Reform has given Wyoming's charter school statutes a "D" grade.We believe: This is one big reason that the state has so few charter schools: The law hinders, rather than helps, advance the concept.Tell us what you think: Contact us via email at .It continues to be a mystery why Wyoming does not have a robust charter school movement.This is a state that treasures independence, free market competition and local control of schools. It also has a conservative political mindset, which should make it fertile ground for education reform.True, the Legislature has been busy with other matters. It has been trying to install a system of school accountability. And the brouhaha over State Superintendent of Public Instruction Cindy Hill is consuming a lot of energy and time.But that does not mean lawmakers should not be looking at this issue.Accountability is one big piece of the puzzle. But so is competition. Academic success outside the system which charter schools offer can help push the public schools off dead center.Perhaps the biggest impediment to the charter school movement in Wyoming is the state law. Quite simply, it gets in the way of charter schools, rather than helping them to prosper.That the state law needs work was proven once again as it is every year by a report from the Center for Education Reform. It gives Wyoming s charter school statutes a D grade, ranking them 40th out of the 43 states that have such laws.Two of the biggest impediments in the law are a lack of multiple authorizers and the freedom for charters to operate in ways they see fit.In terms of authorizer, the current process of having school boards approve charters is unproductive. It forces boards to worry about a charter s impact on funding. Then there is the fear that it actually may succeed and what that says about current schools.Wyoming needs an independent authorizer to open up the system. Besides, that could allow for greater expertise in the decisions; even district officials admit they are in over their heads in analyzing the quality of charter petitions.As for autonomy, charters now have to rely on the districts goodwill if they want to operate outside current policy. Yet the movement relies on a trade: charter school freedom for results. If that is not given and it is not in Wyoming then the full benefits of the charter idea cannot be enjoyed.Lawmakers must open the system to the competition that they say they so dearly love. Perhaps some legislative candidates will make that point about the charter law in this year s elections.Follow the lawThe Laramie County Commission clearly broke the state s open meetings law this week. Rather than meeting at its announced time of 2:15 p.m. on Monday, it met earlier.The commissioners say it was just an error. Perhaps. But another opinion being expressed is that they wanted to meet with off-track betting officials outside the view of the public. A variety of motivations for that have been speculated upon.No doubt, the commissioners will say none of that is true. But that is why there is a law: Meeting in public doesn t allow for rumors or innuendo or bad behavior, if any.The County Commission should know better. The law is clear. Follow it. oakley sunglasses outlet He sees signs of trauma in himself and also in his children, who are terrified every time he leaves the house that he will not return alive.
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