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I'm right on the edge of the points, he said. There's a lot of points this week. cheap ray bans THE ISSUE: As the WTE series showed this week, government agencies in the state are still trying to block the public's access to public records.WE BELIEVE: One way to combat this would be to make government entities pay for their misdeeds.TELL US WHAT YOU THINK: Contact us via email at .We have never heard a Wyoming politician say he or she is opposed to government transparency. That would be political suicide.Yet still, in 2014, this state's public officials - at all levels - are failing to match their deeds to their words. As the series published in the WTE this week shows, residents continue to have stumbling blocks thrown in their way as they seek to understand how their money is being used and to hold their officials accountable.And as the series has shown, it is not just about the media being nosy - as the politicians would like the public to believe. Rather, it is everyday people who are being stonewalled by those they put into office.Consider, for example, the story of Kristine Jackson (who works as the WTE's newsroom administrative assistant). As told in the series, she sought public records on the state's day-care facilities as part of her work on a degree in journalism from the University of Wyoming. She was told she could see them - if she was willing to pay to do so. She stood her ground and the state relented, though she still does not have the records.One can only wonder how many others are simply giving up because they can't afford the records and they don't know the law.Or how about Rock Springs attorney and now-secretary of state candidate Clark Stith? One of his clients lost a business venture - a wind farm - when the city council there passed a moratorium on those projects. It did so without taking any public input or even putting the item on its agenda. There is no guarantee that Mr. Stith's client could have blocked the action, but he should have had the chance.There are two ways to look at these problems: They arise out of ignorance of the law, or they are purposeful efforts to tell the people to butt out. Neither is acceptable.It is up to public officials to know the law and to execute it in ways that make government as open as possible to those they are supposed to serve. One action lawmakers could take would be to push forward on a commitment made by the Wyoming County Commissioners Association and the Wyoming Press Association to put together a training manual for government officials. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, but such training might reduce the problems.Secondly, those transparency-loving lawmakers should consider making government entities pay for their misdeeds. How about requiring them to pay the legal bills of those who sue them if they lose a transparency case in court? This might cause these officials to think twice before withholding documents or slamming the door in the public's face.And while it seems obvious to us, apparently the law needs clarifying to prevent what happened to Ms. Jackson. The statutes say residents should not have to pay to inspect their documents (reasonable copying fees certainly make sense). Yet this problem is sprouting up all over the state, including here in Laramie County. Residents could fight these charges in court, but who can afford that?Wyoming's public access laws continue to be rated among the worst in the nation. For the good of the people, it is time to get out from the bottom of that pile. i tory burch outlet
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Ministry of Health staff in Liberia and Sierra Leone also called on donor governments and international agencies to urgently step up their response. Tolbert Nyensuah, assistant health minister for preventive services in Liberia, told IRIN both the Liberian Health Ministry and the government as a whole, lacked the capacity to contain the Ebola virus. We need trained nurses, trained doctors who can help our local staff manage Ebola patients who are in isolation units. We need additional medical supplies. We need to increase the number of treatment centres as the caseload is increasing. cheap ray bans Mr. Hosmani said the KHF will hold two special training programmes per year in association with the university. Nearly 15 farmers from every district will be selected and KHF will provide Rs. 60,000 per district. The training programme will be launched here in October, he said. replica jordans
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