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However, Kong said China remained unhappy with what it sees as the Vatican s lack of respect for Chinese sovereignty, its relations with Taiwan, and lingering resentment over the canonization of saints viewed by the ruling party as enemies of the Chinese people. cheap ray bans The issue: Three candidates are pursuing the Republican nomination for state superintendent of public instruction in the Aug. 19 primary.We believe: Unfortunately, none of them offer the kind of ideas that would reform this state's schools. They are proof that this position should be appointed, not elected.Tell us what you think: Contact us via email at .There may be no more important race in this year's primary election in Wyoming than that of superintendent of public instruction. Without a high-achieving school system, Wyoming's competitive future hangs in the balance.That is why the WTE Editorial Board is so disappointed with the field of candidates in the Republican primary on Aug. 19. Quite simply, none of the three - Jillian Balow, Sheryl Lain and Bill Winney - is offering the kind of leadership and reform-minded approach that will lift the state out of the nation's mediocre middle.Indeed, if anything, the trio is proof - not that we needed any - of the need to stop electing this state's highest education administrator. We have supported, and continue to support, a constitutional amendment to make this an appointed post.True, that would not take politics completely out of the state's education process. But it would take elected politics out, and that is where the problem lies. This state has not elected a quality state superintendent in many years - Ms. Balow, for example, couldn't name a single one who has set an example of quality leadership - and it will not do so if it chooses one of these three.The fact is that these candidates offer no fresh ideas and would continue a system, perhaps with a few tweaks, that clearly is broken.Indeed, not one of them speaks highly of legislative efforts to hold teachers, schools and districts accountable for academic results. Rather, they chant the same old mantra of local control.Yet, there is no proof that local control has improved the lot of Wyoming students. The truth is it has created an out-of-control, uneven system that is not producing the sort of results that lawmakers, taxpayers, parents and other stakeholders expect for the amount of money that Wyoming spends.Also, fervent support of local control will put this office at odds - again - with legislative efforts at accountability. Another four years of push-and-pull between lawmakers and the superintendent - that was at the heart of the battle between current Superintendent Cindy Hill and the Legislature - appears in the offing if any of these three is elected.Taking these three in alphabetical order, Jillian Balow was the hardest to pin down on the issues. It appears her approach is to use a blizzard of words to allow voters to hear whatever they wish to hear from her comments.For example, she said she doesn't like how the Common Core Standards were implemented, claiming - wrongly - that parents were not given enough input into their selection. But she also says Common Core sets the highest standards ever in Wyoming. So is she opposed or in favor? (Ms. Balow said at a recent forum that she is opposed to Common Core. One more strike against her.)Also, Ms. Balow refused to outline her general philosophy on awarding grants and loans for economic development were she to win and sit on key state boards.Apparently, Ms. Balow expects voters to guess where she stands on the key issues facing Wyoming. Such slippery, careful positioning might be a political strategy, but it denies discerning voters the chance to make good choices. And it is a terrible indicator of the kind of leader Ms. Balow would be.It also appears that Ms. Balow's time in state bureaucracy (she administered the Department of Family Services) has made her process-oriented.Her solution to improving academic results would create another layer of bureaucracy: an Education Planning and Coordination Council. Such large bodies have been tried in Wyoming before. They get bogged down in their misbegotten efforts to include everyone on everything. This tweak will not improve the system but rather slow down a reform process already moving like a turtle.On the plus side, Ms. Balow says she is a supporter of school choice, and she likes the experimenting that is going on at the local school district level. Her plan would be to highlight those successes and encourage other districts to adopt them. But she did not mention charter schools as a reform that she likes. Yet, this is the one reform that has real power to alter the system through competition.If voters admire the damage that Ms. Hill has wrought on the public school system, then they will like candidate Sheryl Lain.As one of Ms. Hill's key lieutenants, Ms. Lain clearly is a supporter of the concepts that the superintendent has pushed. That includes a firm belief in local control and in putting the locus of education in the hands of teachers with little expectation for accountability. Indeed, Ms. Hill sought to alter the system one teacher at a time, and Ms. Lain seems bound to follow that path, chanting a mantra about "the magic of the classroom."From those positions, it would appear Ms. Lain would be a similar collision course with the Legislature that Ms. Hill has had. The candidate argues that "accountability resides with those in their buildings." If she really believes that, it is hard to see how she would help lawmakers enforce their accountability program.As for Common Core, Ms. Lain is a clear opponent. She says the standards were rushed out and are not as rigorous as they could be. Yet, studies show the Core is significantly better than any standards Wyoming ever has developed.Ms. Lain argues for standards that are "lighter weight" at the state level - putting control in the hands of the districts. She also hopes to make them more Wyoming focused. That flies in the face of one of the most important goals of Common Core: to prepare Wyoming students to compete on a national, even global, stage.It also is troubling that Ms. Lain sought to brush off the fact that she hired her daughter to run a department program. She says it was just a mistake in improperly signing a document. But it was more than that: It was an indicator of departmental disregard for grant rules under Ms. Hill. Ms. Lain has not learned that lesson, and that is a bad indicator for her possible behavior as superintendent.On the plus side, one reform that Ms. Lain does appear to favor is more classroom time for students. She didn't say whether that would come in the form of longer school days or a longer school year. But she did agree more face time with teachers does lead to better academic results.Bill Winney, too, is overly focused on classroom teachers, perhaps because he is married to one. He spoke against the increased administrative burdens placed on educators as well as what he sees as too much time spent on testing.All of that fails to recognize that such things as accountability and testing have come about because the old ways of doing things - where teachers were solely in charge - did not consistently produce quality results. That is why lawmakers have had to step forward with accountability efforts.We did like that Mr. Winney favors a positive relationship with the Legislature in which the superintendent would be involved at the front end of legislative decisions. He also said that if he disagreed with an action after having input, he would "salute and march off" to enforce it. That would be a refreshing change after the past several years of the Hill administration.Also as positives, Mr. Winney: favors an appointed superintendent, saying that would allow better continuity in policy; said he would try to encourage excellence rather than accepting mediocrity; and said he is a cautious supporter of Common Core.During his interview, Mr. Winney fretted that Common Core is having too great an influence on classroom decisions. He clearly does not understand how the Core works: The districts choose the curricula. And he repeated the myth that federal dollars are tied to the implementation of the standards. They are not.And on the key issue of local control, Mr. Winney argues that legislative accountability is getting too deep into local decision-making. That is further proof that Mr. Winney fails to recognize that the current system is not working. Accountability is essential to fixing that.In the end, none of these candidates fills the bill for superintendent who will work with lawmakers to truly and effectively reform the schools. Rather, they all reflect a belief that the current system can be tweaked while coddling local control and lifting teachers to new heights. None of that has worked so far; why would it after any of these are elected?If legislators are serious about fixing this office, the only effective way would be through a constitutional amendment to make this position appointed. We support none of these candidates but would back such legislative action in a heartbeat.
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