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he Wilmot City Council addressed requests by the water department, the destruction of old city records, and heard two presentations during the regular meeting on Tuesday, April 15.In new business, Mary Butler, city recorder/treasurer, made three requests to the council concerning delinquent water customer accounts.Regarding excessive outstanding balances, Butler asked if the council would allow the city to pursue collection on outstanding balances of $100 to $300 and above through the court system. Part of the process, Butler said, will be to send certified letters to those individuals. The letter will include the amount owed, a time limitation for the customer to pay the balance, and an explanation of penalties if the customer does not comply.As the discussion continued, it was noted the city has water customers with outstanding balances who continue to have water service. Mayor Clinton Harris stated the city does not own an adequate number of locks to shut off all delinquent accounts, but said that areas with the majority of delinquent accounts are disconnected. The mayor said a number of customers have cut the lock when service was disconnected and turned their water back on. Alderwoman Bertha Sherrer recommended writing tickets to customers who cut the locks. cheap jordans McCain was way ahead of her party on one issue - marriage equality - and she sees it as indicative of the need for Republicans to loosen up on social issues in order to attract younger voters. toms outlet sale
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