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Instead, Zuckerberg offered to buy Voskerician's legal right to the Hamilton Avenue property so Zuckerberg could purchase the entire lot himself. "Zuckerberg stated he did not want construction in his backyard for 14 months and told Voskerician that he would refer him business and make him introductions if, in exchange, Voskerician would help him secure his privacy," the lawsuit states. michael kors purses cheap GAZA, May 8 -- Over more than seven years of internal division, Hamas movement has been reluctant to make reconciliation with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas Fatah Party in fear it would loose power in the Gaza Strip, the coastal enclave that it seized control in 2007.On April 23, Hamas and Abbas's top delegation signed in Gaza an agreement to start immediate implementation of the reconciliation agreements reached in Cairo in 2011 and in Qatar in 2012.Analysts said that due to the pressure of losing strong ties with its allies in Iran, Syria and the Muslim Brothers in Egypt, and the pressure on Turkey and Qatar to stop backing the movement, Hamas had no other choice but to join reconciliation to rescue itself and gain back popularity.Another heavy pressure imposed on Hamas was cutting sources of money and weapons, when the Egyptian army destroyed hundreds of smuggling tunnels underneath the borders between Egypt and Gaza, after the ouster of Egypt's Islamic President Mohamed Morsi last July.According to the deal, both sides agreed to form a six-month transitional technocrat unity government, chaired by Abbas within five weeks, to prepare for the general elections in early 2014.Musa Abu Marzooq, a prominent Hamas leader, who followed up implementing the agreements in Gaza, said that the unity government will be technocrat, transitional and will have specific missions, without any ministers from Hamas nor Fatah. The new government will have six basic missions to carry out within six months: preparing for general elections, running the daily life in Gaza and the West Bank, reconstructing Gaza, ending the siege, achieving social reconciliation and improving public freedoms, Abu Marzooq told reporters.HAMAS WON'T RULE GAZA ALONEBoth Hamas and Fatah officials asserted that the new transitional technocrat unity government, headed by President Abbas, will see the light in less than two weeks, which means that Hamas movement won't rule the Gaza Strip alone as it did since the summer of 2007.Mukhemer Abu Se'da, a Gaza-based political analyst, told Xinhua, Certainly, when a unity government is formed, Hamas won't be the only power that rules the Gaza Strip. Hamas accepted reconciliation because the only choice remained is to keep what the rest of power it has in hand. Hamas leaders want to work hard during the next six months, outside the official frame of a government or a power, in order to fix the damages after the Muslim brothers' collapse in Egypt and gain back its reputation, said Abu Se'da.However, Hamas, which dominates the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC), the parliament of the Palestinian National Authority will temporarily keep in power for six months until the presidential and parliamentary elections are held.Hamas won the 2006 parliamentary elections and ousted its rival Fatah Party. In 2007, it had violently seized control of the Gaza Strip. This time Hamas will certainly join the parliamentary elections, but still it is unclear if it will join the presidential elections or back another candidate. I believe Hamas will loose power only in ruling Gaza as a government, but it will remain in the PLC and will keep its control on security apparatuses, said Abu Se'da, adding that this will help the movement get out of its crisis resulting from Israeli blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip. POWER SHARINGFor Hamas, sharing power with Abbas and his Fatah Party serves its interests and much better than keeping the lone power in Gaza. Power sharing between Hamas and Fatah is good for both rivals. It will exempt Hamas from paying the salaries of 40,000 of its employees in Gaza, will lead to open the crossing points and end Hamas isolation, said Hani Habib, a Gaza-based political analyst.Hani Habib further said that Abbas and Fatah also have an interest to go for reconciliation, mainly after the failure of the direct peace talks with Israel, adding that Abbas wants to unite the Palestinian territories under his command to make it easy for establishing the future Palestinian state. Hamas still refuses to recognize Israel, but observers said that if Abbas will be the Prime Minister of the unity government, Hamas will be pragmatic, where the new government will accept the world's requirements.Samer Anabtawi, a political analyst from the West Bank city of Nablus told Xinhua that following the political developments and confusions that occurred in the region over the past four years, the Palestinians are now in need to overcome their differences and create a new political situation. Reconciliation for both Hamas and Abbas is a lifeline. Each side has to make concessions to gain back the popularity they lost during seven years of division, even if this concession includes loosing part of the power of each group, said Anabtawi.
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s Constipation is a common problem, affecting 10% to 15% of people, particularly women, and increasing with age. toms shoe outlet The issue: A Senate panel this week sought to add protections to Senate File 47, which would take DNA from those arrested for crimes.We believe: While we appreciate the effort, the bill still tramples on individuals' rights. The Senate needs to improve it or kill it.Tell us what you think: Contact us via email at .We applaud members of the state Senate for amending a bill this week that would have required DNA collection from people arrested for felonies. Unfortunately, the Senate Travel, Recreation, Wildlife and Cultural Resources Committee didn t go far enough."Katie's Law," named after Katie Sepich, a 22-year-old New Mexico woman killed in 2003, is being pushed by her parents. They contend her murderer would have been behind bars for previous crimes if his DNA had been taken prior to him killing their daughter. The problem is, just because someone is arrested doesn t mean they have committed a crime. We earlier opposed the measure because of that, and changes made by the committee this week fail to address those earlier concerns. The committee simply adjusted arrested to charged, which actually changes very little.Just as with an arrest, being charged with crimes does not mean people are guilty of them. Until they are convicted, they are presumed innocent, so this alteration falls far short of correcting the problem.Other changes to the measure make more sense, like adding a mechanism to destroy the DNA for those found not guilty; listing which felonies would require DNA collection; and including a clause to dispose of DNA if prosecution does not start within one year after a person is arrested.We support those provisions. But the bill still falls far short of protecting Wyomingites rights to privacy and to protections from improper search and seizure.Linda Burt of the American Civil Liberties Union made those exact points, saying Senate File 47 lacks several protections included in a similar law that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled was constitutional. Those include deletion of DNA information from all databases local, state and federal upon a not guilty verdict or pardon and a requirement that any DNA analyses done prior to deletion cannot be used in future criminal cases. If I have an idea that somebody committed a crime and I don t have probable cause, I can use a pretext arrest to take their DNA, Ms. Burt said. That s one of the problems with this bill. We have no reason to believe this person has committed this or any other crime. She says the measure, as written now, would not stand up in court. We agree.The potential for abuse is high since law enforcement is continuously under pressure from the community to solve serious felonies. SF 47 does not address these fishing expedition concerns, so we hope more amendments will be made to the bill before it leaves the Senate.SF 47 also fails to address Wyoming s firm support for individual rights. It is surprising that tea party member and sponsor Sen. Leslie Nutting, R-Cheyenne, as well as the committee fail to see that.Don t get us wrong. We are all for collecting DNA from convicted felons. If that DNA can be used to solve other crimes, so much the better. Currently, all 50 states collect DNA from people convicted of felonies. Note the word convicted. That distinction must be made in this measure. But if lawmakers intend to proceed with SF 47 based on being charged with a crime and it appears they are then adequate protections must be included. g
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I was struck last night (May 6) while watching at the just how difficult his music is to classify, even within the song, and especially considering his acoustic band. Some artists move happily and easily between the standard notions of bluegrass, country and gospel. But during Lovett and his band s performance to a mostly full house, they had many elements going at once. played bluegrass mandolin and guitar (and layered on bluegrass-style harmonies). whipped up some country fiddle runs, and Russ Kunkel, who has worked with nearly everyone in the business, added propulsive jazz rhythms on drums. All this happened on the same song, with bandleader and chief joke teller Lovett standing center stage directing traffic. cheap retro jordans The proposal before the board will also allow Carvalho to seek interest from other community organizations, and continue negotiations for two inner-city Miami sites with non-profits Urban GreenWorks and Art of Cultural Evolution, though they are at odds over testing for contaminants in the soil.
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