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xqygx sbhng# for 03% uwgtnq7 - 2014/05/28 17:33
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During the event, Ocala Mayor Kent Quinn will declare May Ocala Royal Dames for Cancer Research Month. discount ray ban sunglasses MONROE The Parks and Recreation Department will sponsor the state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Connecticut Aquatic Resources Education Program Family Fishing Class at Great Hollow Lake, fishing, swimming, and soccer.The CARE program is an opportunity for people to learn about Connecticut waters, fish identification, how and where fish live, tackle and techniques, fishing laws and regulations and how to tie a strong knot.It will take place from 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, May 15, in the Great Hollow Lake Pavilion.Additional topics include cleaning and cooking a catch, sportsmanship and safety, casting and where to catch fish.
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xqygx sbhng# for 03% uwgtnq7
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