Re:CM Reunion - 2005/10/19 12:08
Hi Lois-It's Janis this time. How are you doing? I wish that I could have come to the reunion. Its been so long since I have seen or heard from anyone. I was glad to see that you are doing well. Being a grandma is cool but both of my grandsons live so far away (Pennsylvania) that I hardly ever get to see them. My daughter, Bekah, is going to have a baby in March. At least this one will be close. Do you keep in touch with any of the people from back then? I was wondering about John Madrid, Jamie Jellerson and Joyce and Danny. Do you ever see any of them? If so, how are they doing? I lived in San Diego for nearly 20 years but didn't keep in touch with anyone even then. Write back if you get a chance-I'd really like to hear from you. My life hasn't been so great lately but hopefully things are going to be better soon. Again-it is good to hear from you and hope that I can again. Janis
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